Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Monday, December 30, 2013

7,480 miles from home....we made it!!!!

Well, the kids and I have been awake since 5:00 when the first call to prayer started....and after laying in bed for an hour we decided to get up.  So what better time to update the blog than first thing in the morning!!!

The kids did amazing on the flights.  We arrived in Chicago and was able to catch a ride on one of those carts to the next gate.  Thank goodness, because it would've been a LONG walk with 3 kids and our carry-on items.  Along the way we were flagged down by a man from Saudi Arabia who needed a ride for his wife who was struggling to walk.  So we scooted over so she could hop on, while her husband walked the rest of the way.  While waiting in line to board the plane we met a couple from Milwaukee who was flying back to India with their son.  They were very nice.

Qatar Airways is nothing short of amazing.  The flight attendants are dressed to the nines, beautiful girls with their fancy blouses and hats.  The plane had 4 sections and in economy there were three seats, three rows across.  They had some pretty sweet lighting overhead too!  Madison, of course, sat down and immediately put a movie on before we even took off, she's a true Bahr, loves her movies!!!  We thought we would have time to catch a bite to eat in Chicago, but they started boarding an hour early, and it was easy to see why with all of those people!  So we had to settle for airline food, which is less than appealing, but we didn't starve.  The kids watched some shows, we ate, and then tried to sleep.  I think Kaiden got the most rest out of all of us.  Again, the kids did awesome, and I am so thankful that their ears didn't bother them.

Once we arrived in Doha, we got off the plane right onto the tarmac and had to get on a bus to go to the arrivals terminal.  Next we got in line to pay for our visas.  Thank goodness we made good time there because while we were getting our passports stamped TONS of people arrived, whereas we were able to just walk right up.  Next we got our carry on bags scanned, they are mostly looking for alcohol, and then proceeded to the baggage claim area.  By the time we arrived there, all of our bags were sitting next to the carousel.  All 10 suitcases, plus the car seats, made it!  Praise the Lord!!!  Thank goodness they have some carts to put all that luggage on.  I grabbed 3 carts and a gentleman helped us get them loaded.  Then we exited into the arrival area where Eric and some of his friends were waiting for us. It was quite the sight to see!  I was trying to push two huge carts at one time, and Mom with the other one, while trying to corral the kids.  A nice man offered to help push one of the carts for us.  I will say that the people we've encountered so far have been very helpful and friendly.  We loaded up all of our stuff and took a short tour of some of the city before heading home.

Eric did a great job of making our new place look and feel like home.  He had toys in the kids rooms and pictures up.  I will post pictures once we get the rest of our stuff unpacked and settled.  We enjoyed dinner with our new friends, Samantha, Cesar, and Kyle and listened to stories about some of their adventures in Doha.

Today we plan on relaxing, unpacking, and meeting our new neighbors.  Thank you all so much for all of the thoughts, prayers, phone calls, texts, and messages with well wishes before we left.  I was overwhelmed by the love from our family and friends.  We are so tremendously blessed.  It still feels very surreal that we are here!!!


ahaggs said...

I am so happy for you guys!!what an amazing adventure for all of you!!!

Marci said...

I am so glad you made it safely and you are all there together. Can't wait to see pictures and read about your journey!

Unknown said...

Can't wait to see pictures. Glad you are there so you can finally relax for a little while!

Joyce said...

Hi Bridget - I tried to send a comment from my phone but it did not go. Great to hear that the trip went so well. Thanks for letting us know you arrived safely. I keep an eye on the blog for amazing stories. Love to all of you. A. Joyce

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