Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Monday, December 30, 2013

Beverly Hills Garden 4 - our new neighborhood

Well, we had a pretty relaxing first day in Doha.  We hung out in the villa, worked on unpacking, and met some of the neighbor kids.  Madie didn't know what to think when 4 girls showed up on our front step wanting to play!!!  They didn't really have any kids in our neighborhood in LS their age to play with, so this is already a nice change!  We just need to find some boys for Kaiden!
 We got out of the villa and took a break at the little playground.  The little girl in the pink in the far left corner is Amy, she's from England.  Daisy, our next door neighbor, is from Scotland, she's on the left swing.  Annie is on the right swing, she is also from England.  And Yang Yang is in the pink shirt, she is from China!  It is so cute to hear these girls talk!!!

 This is the pool!  The kids REALLY wanted to swim today, and even though it was about 72 degrees outside, the water didn't really feel that warm.  I am certain we will be swimming a lot in the warmer months. 
This is my new ride, parked outside our villa.  It's a Honda City.  I can start driving immediately with the international drivers permit (IDP) that I got from AAA for a whopping $15 Haha!  However, after experiencing last night's drive thru town, I think I'll wait a bit before venturing out.  Eric said the best day to practice driving is on Friday because people aren't working, and are usually sleeping in.  He went today to try to take the sign test to get a Qatar drivers license and it sounded like quite the adventure.....
Tomorrow our cleaning man comes, so Samantha and Mary Anne are going to pick us up and take us to the mall and to do some exploring around town.  Looking forward to that!

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