Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Jet lag and other trials of Doha

Well, the jet lag hit us hard today!  I was awake at 3:00AM and most everyone else at 4:30AM with our tummies growling!!!  Mary Anne and Samantha picked us up at 9:00AM and took us to the City Center mall.  They have a large grocery store there called Carfourre, it's kind of like Walmart.  We picked up a few items, exchanged our American money for Qatari Riyals, and got passport photos taken.  Apparently you need a lot of those photos for lots of different things.  It's kind of like giving a tiny school photo to your friend!

The City Center mall is HUGE!  We're talking 4 stories, with an ice skating rink, bowling alley, and a movie theater.  Apparently malls are the place to be here, it's just a shame that I hate to shop! LOL!!!  After lunch the kids were falling asleep, so we came back home for a little snooze.

Upon returning home we met our housekeeper, Abu.  He comes every Tuesday and cleans for about 6 hours!  I've gotta figure out a way to take him home with us!  That's definitely something I could get used to.  The washing machine however....I'm already missing my full sized washer and dryer.  We currently have this lovely washer/dryer combo.  We can do a small load (heavy emphasis on the small) in about 4 hours, and then we get to hang them on a drying rack to finish drying.  The colors bleed, so I'm learning that if we're gonna try to keep the whites white they need to be washed separate.  There's no "wrinkle release", I'm wondering if there's a "permanent wrinkle" setting that's checked that I'm unaware of!
 We aren't doing much New Year's Eve partying over here.  Too tired, and we all decided a nice quiet evening sounded great.  Eric also decided that tonight would be the perfect time for me to practice driving.  So we made a little trip to the grocery store.  Nothing like a nice romantic trip to the store on NYE with the hubby!  Driving over here is a little scary.  They drive on the same side of the road as us...... just like mad men.  Lots of roundabouts, although they are working on taking those out and putting traffic lights in.  I'm happy to report that we made it home safe, and I even got some chocolate ice cream!!!!

Hope you all have a safe and Happy New Year and thank you for sharing in this adventure with us as we move into 2014.  CHEERS!!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow, I will never take my washer and dryer for granted again! That's crazy with 5 of you.

Jeanne said...

Ready for an update when you have time!

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