Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Things I've Learned From Trying to Sell a House.....

  • Selling a house isn't for sissies
  • I can "clean for the Pope" in 40 minutes - "cleaning for the Pope" means that this place is spotless - Pope Francis would be impressed!!!
  • Stashing laundry in a suitcase is a brilliant idea
  • I should be thinner from all the housework I'm doing, unfortunately it's counteracted by the eating out while we're showing the house
  • I'm not good at taking criticism from the home I've built and lived in for the past 7 1/2 years 
  • All of this cleaning is either going to A) make me a better housekeeper or B) make me NEVER want to clean again.....
  • I really hope the next home we buy is our "forever" home because this is about to kill me!!!!

Meanwhile, Eric moved into our villa this past weekend, and has a few days off this week to work on getting our things settled, because I think it's safe to say that I never wanna see another box in the next 2 years!!!!

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