Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Monday, December 9, 2013

Busy, Busy, Busy

WOW!!!  The time is really slipping by!  We breezed through Thanksgiving what seems like months ago!!!  In just a few short weeks we will be leaving for Doha!  Eric is anxiously awaiting us.  Things have been going well with him.  Work keeps him busy 6 days of the week, but don't let that fool you into thinking that he's all work and no play!  He's become very good friends with a couple named Cesar and Sam.  Cesar works for Burns & Mac and it sounds like Sam and I have a lot in common.  I am very anxious to meet them.  This past week David Yamens - the President of Eric's division, and a couple of other VIP's flew over to take the employees golfing and have a Christmas dinner.  I can't say enough about how wonderful they are to their employees.

Meanwhile, I've been busy packing, packing, packing!!!  This past week Larry and Michelle (Eric's Dad and sister) came down to help me clean out the garage and the basement.  Glad we got that done before the cold weather moved in.  Friday, my brother, Chip, came over and helped me take down pictures and patch holes.  We've also had a busy week of house showings, but unfortunately no bites yet.  Please keep praying hard for that!!!

Amidst all the packing and running around, the kids and I haven't been skimping on fun activities either.  Here are some pictures of our latest adventures!

 The weekend after Thanksgiving, Mom and I took the girls to a Nutcracker Tea Party at the Heart of America Dance Studio - that's where the girls take dance.  It was a lot of fun and we got to watch a sampling of the Nutcracker show.  Afterwards, the girls got their picture with the Sugar Plum Fairy!

 This is Kealy with Ms. Cindy - she owns the studio

 Earlier this month I sold my car to our neighbor, Jake, next door.  It was bittersweet as this was the first car Eric and I purchased together.  Take good care of it Jake!!
 Learning how to make a cherry pie with Grammy for Thanksgiving
 Kealy chillin' in the dentist chair
 Thursday of this week my friend, Catrina, and I participated in the Downtown Lee's Summit cookie walk.  It was bitterly cold, but we had a lot of fun.  I am really going to miss her.
Saturday I was lucky enough to be able to spend some time with my two best friends from college, Joy and Mary!  I just absolutely love, love, love these girls!!!  Thanks for making the trip to KC for a visit!

1 comment :

Unknown said...

Love you B!!!!!!!

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