Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Monday, June 17, 2013

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!!!!

We have been some busy Bahr bees these past few months!  Going to try to catch you up on some of the highlights!!!
Here is Madison with some of her best friends from school.
Kindergarten had a picnic towards the end of May.  It was supposed to be outside, but the weather was rainy so we ended up in the gym. 
 I had a great time spending the morning with her, playing games and making some crafts
 Madie and her teacher, Mrs. Novak - this woman is awesome!  I really hope Kaiden gets her next year for Kindergarten.
 Mother's Day was sprinkled in there - we got carnations after church
 Then we headed to the zoo!!!

 Kaiden graduated from Pre-K - hard to believe my little man is gonna be in Kindergarten next year!!!!
 Kaiden and his best bud - Brooks
 Ms. Jenn - another awesome teacher from OLP
Kaiden with his proud family

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