Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Monday, April 15, 2013

Easter Eggstravaganza!

 The ENTIRE family had the stomach bug the whole week before Easter, so we were on the road to recovery and wasn't quite up to all of our typical Easter festivities.  None-the-less, we still had a great weekend.
 We headed up to St. Joe on Saturday and made it in time for the Moila egg hunt.  Kaiden was still feeling a little puny, so he stayed home with Dad. Grandpa and I took the girls, and they had a blast!

 Check out my stash!!!

 Madie's turn!  I love that they separate the age groups so the younger kids have a chance.
 She's speedy

 Time for some bunny lovin'

Making memories with Grampy!!!
 Easter Sunday we had an egg hunt at Mom and Dad's with the cousins

 Katie and Madison
 Katie, Kealy, Madison, Chloe and Kaiden
 Then we did it all again at the Bahr house!
Front Row - Blaise, Leah, Gracie, Madison
Back Row - Karlee, Kaiden, Leah, and Kealy


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