Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Alligator Alley

We recently returned from Gulf Shores, Alabama where we took the kids to their first beach vacation!  To say that we had a blast would be an understatement!!! 
One of the highlights of our trip was a visit to Alligator Alley!
 Alligator Alley is home to almost 400 alligators!

 We arrived at the first feeding of the day, so we got to see lots of hungry gators come up for their lunch!  Amazing!
 The kids even got to hold a 3 year old alligator

 Even I was brave enough to hold him!
 After the feeding we walked along the platforms to feed the rest of the gators

 Captain Crunch! - not quite the same as the cereal that the kids love so much!
Sharing the last of the alligator grub
 I will try to post more of our vaca adventures this week!!!

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