Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Paxton's Baby Shower

 Our little Christie is expecting a baby BOY at the end of April!  YEAH!  I'm going to be an Auntie for the 9th time!!!!
 I made approximately 8 dozen cupcakes for the party!!!  I so enjoy baking and decorating.

 Christie and I - she has the cutest little baby bump
 I love this face!  The joke is the large Pooh Bear used to be Christie's and I used it as a prop for their wedding toast.  I thought Pax needed a new, fresh Pooh of his own!
 All of the Bahr women
Shanin, Michelle, Christie, me, Cara, and Paula
After the baby shower we celebrated Chip and Dad's birthdays
 Kealy snoozing with Anne after playing outside in the snow
Love this little guy - although his getting so big!!! 

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