Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

RRRRRRR matey, it's a pirate room!!!!

 Earlier this month Chip came over to help me paint one of our bedrooms, for yes, the 3rd time in the 7 years that we've lived here!  I told him that we get faster each time because the room keeps getting smaller from all the layers of paint! 
 With the extra time home due to the weather we were able to put the finishing touches on the room, hang pictures, etc.....
 He got a new twin bed with a trundle underneath for when his friends, or Grammy, come to stay with us!
 Uncle Chipper got him the pirate lamp for his birthday.  He loves it!!!
He is settling in well to his new room, and the girls' room got a makeover as well.  Waiting on some new bedding before we post pictures of that, so stay tuned!!!

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