Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Monday, February 25, 2013

Snowmageddon Part 1

We got our first big snowfall in almost 2 years!  A whopping 13 inches!!!  The kids couldn't wait to get outside and play despite the cold and the wind.  I was just thankful that we could all stay home, safe and sound.
 Our little snow angel - we didn't stay out long on Thursday, but I love the snowflakes on those beautiful lashes
Friday brought yet another snow day & I was thankful again to have everyone home.  The temperature was warmer and the sun was out so we got out and played for about an hour and a half!!!  I forgot how much energy, and calories, you burn playing in the snow!!!
 We made a snow-woman per Madie's request; our neighbor named her Rosie!
 We got the sled out and Eric did an awesome job of making a track for the kids.  Our front yard is the perfect sized hill for them at this age.

I am so grateful to be able to stay home with the kids on these wintry days so we can get outside to play, drink hot cocoa, and snuggle on the couch.  We are so tremendously blessed.  Round 2 of Snowmageddon is supposed to move in tomorrow so we will see how much snowfall that brings with it!!!  I could be going on day 6 of no work....but I'm not complaining!!!

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