Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Under the Big Top

Earlier this month, Dad treated us to a day at the Shriners circus. We had a blast, and I truly enjoyed it just as much as the kids did!!!
This poor clown was left at the circus!
Anxiously awaiting the start

How cute is this guy?!?! AMAZING!

I loved the high wire act

Madie's favorite part was getting to ride a pony

Kaiden enjoyed that too!

They got their picture with Fez and a clown. Kealy was catching a nap on Grandpa's lap during intermission.
Kaiden said he really liked the tigers.
Kealy loved the monkeys....
.....and her cotton candy!!!
These little guys were pretty cute!
Everyone got a light sword, AKA, weapon for battling their siblings with later.
All of the elephants came out for the finale. Thanks Dad for inviting us. We had an awesome afternoon!!!

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