Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Monday, April 2, 2012

St. Patrick's Day Parade

I'm WAY behind on my blogging, but felt that this late post was picture worthy!!!
Madie's class participated in a St. Patrick's Day parade at John Knox Village. It just so happened that I was off that day and was able to participate with her. I think it's great that the school gets involved and does things for the community of JKV. We paraded thru the halls of some of the apartments and ended in the pavilion where they were having lunch.
Each class made different decorations. Madie's class made these necklaces. It has a shamrock at the bottom.
At the end of the parade was this little leprechaun who gave them treats!
All of the OLP kids and the color guard.
Addison, Madison, and Julia

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