Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas Festivities

We had probably one of the best Christmases ever, mostly due in part to trying to cut down on some of the running around and spreading out the festivities. Christmas day started at our house with the kids opening presents at home. Kealy got lots of new Minnie Mouse accessories. I just love her in these glasses!
Santa brought Kaiden a "big giant T-Rex"!!! It's kind of been creeping me out when I come around the corner and see him staring at me, but Kman loves him nonetheless.
Transformers were also on his list. Madie just knew that he would get Bumblebee!
Madison got a new jewelry box and some new necklaces and bracelets to put in it.
Modeling one of her new headbands
Happy 1st Christmas Max! I don't think he knew what to make of all the excitement.
Merry Christmas!!!
Chip and Anne
We met up with my family at Grandma Rauth's house for lunch and more presents.
Me and my cousin Mike
Madie helping Grandma open the Santa hand prints that we made for her
Chip and his Reinbeer!
One little elf!
Me and Grandma
Some of the most fun I had was watching all of my aunts and uncle open the gifts that Grandma, Uncle Mike, and my Mom put together for them...treasured items from my Grandpa's life. I never knew that he had so many hats!!! There were drawings, pencils, vases, hats, and all sorts of wonderful things. Probably the best gift ever.
Speaking of gifts...loved this shirt Dad was wearing! Hahaha!!!
Kealy opening some new jammies
Little Angel
Christie and Skyler opening up their matching PJ's courtesy of Qatar Airways!
All 3 kids and Max snuggled up in Christie's old pack-n-play!
Christmas at Grandma and Grandpa Hayes' house - Kaiden got a new McMissile car from GG!
Ahhh! The cake plate from Crate and Barrel I've been eyeing! Thanks Mom!
Kealy with her Rapunzel hair extension
Dad got some Dunkin Donuts coffee
And I got his t-shirt!!!

The day after Christmas - lunch at the Bahrs with all of the cousins

Storytime with Grandma
Grandma Bahr's Great Grandkids - 15! And that wasn't even all of them!!!

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