Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Monday, January 16, 2012

2012 - Off to a running start!

It's hard to believe that we are already into the middle of January already!!! 2012 has gotten off to quite a crazy least from my prospective. Let's just say that I'm putting that HSA card to good use...went to urgent care on Jan. 4th and was dx with asthmatic bronchitis. Got a medrol dose pack, and some augmentin, and went home early from work. Was starting to feel better until the medrol ran out, and I was right back to where I started, if not worse. So, another trip to the doctor got me a chest x-ray, breathing tx, 2 inhalers, Avelox (different antibiotic) and some prednisone for 12 days!! I feel like I'm hopped up on crack, I can't stop shaking!!! Hopefully this will do the trick, as I just feel awful and have no energy. After that appointment I ran over to the podiatrist to get another cortisone shot in my foot! Can you say OUCH!!! Eric promises not to trade me in for an upgrade, but I'm feeling the pressure to shape up!!!

Anyway, despite these health problems I have SOOOO been looking forward to 2012. 2011 was a pretty tough year, at least from my prospective. Probably one of the most challenging times in my life so far, so I look at 2012 as a fresh start, new beginnings, new opportunities and I am bound and determined to make the most of it.

I am realizing how quickly time is passing by. The kids are getting big, shoot Kealy will be 2 in a couple of weeks! It's just so hard to believe. So aside from all of the typical resolutions, lose weight, eat better, pray more, read more, etc. I am making a resolution to spend more quality time with the kids. Just taking in each little moment. They amaze me with their witty comments, and quizzical questions. I am so tremendously blessed with a family beyond my wildest dreams. So here's to a fantastic year!!!! Wishing you all the best!
Bath time fun. It won't be long before they all won't be able to fit in the tub together, but they sure do have a good time playing! Hmmm, maybe we just need a bigger tub!
Ka-da-boo, this is his dragon face!
My little girl is getting so big, and is just simply gorgeous
Beautiful sisters
Love these kiddos!!!

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