Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Eve

This was our very first Christmas celebrating in our own house, and I must say, it was very nice not having to do a lot of running around (even if it was only for Christmas Eve). We attended 4:00 mass at our parish, and then came home to sprinkle our reindeer food before sitting down to a delicious pot roast.
The kids headed outside after church to set out some food for the reindeer. They thought they spotted Santa's sleigh in the sky....or perhaps it was just an airplane. Guess we'll never know!!!
Max intently watching Madison, making sure he doesn't miss anything.
Madie giving the other kids some food and some instructions!!!
Kealy showing me her food. She took her camera out for some photos as well!
Kaiden holding his food tight. Had it not been oatmeal I'm sure he would have sampled some first!
Our three beautiful kiddos! I love how Kealy is taking a picture of herself.
A picture of our tree before "Santa" heads off to bed.....

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