Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Kealy's Class Celebrates Jesus' Birthday

Kealy's class had a party to celebrate Jesus' birthday, complete with a mini-program, and cupcakes for Jesus!
Unfortunately, the poor thing was getting an ear infection and was really upset. She did not want to sing at all, despite all of the practicing she had been doing around the house.
I also got to stay for the school's last Advent ceremony for this year. It was really neat to be able to watch all of the kids come together and talk about the meaning of the candles and the celebration for Jesus. Made me feel so very proud and blessed to be able to send my kids to Catholic school. Kaiden wasn't sitting too far from Kealy and I; and he kept looking at me like, "hey, I'm pretty sure that's my mom, but I can't figure out what she's doing here!" It was pretty funny.
Madie was a little farther away, but she also spotted me and waved. I remember how proud I always was to have my Mom come to school functions. I hope to be able to provide the same opportunity for my kids.
Ms. Cathy, the director of the Early Childcare Center, lighting the last purple candle. She does such an amazing job with the kids.
Afterwards, Kaiden came over to give me a hug, and I was able to snap a picture of the two of them.

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