Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Driving Madame Bahr

Tuesday, March 4th, I was up bright and early (430AM) for what I hoped to be the final leg of this journey we call "getting a license in Qatar".  Mind you, I did the same thing two weeks ago, only to arrive and find that the driving school decided to go on holiday.  Awesome!  Let's do a quick recap of how I arrived at this process....

Step 1 - Eye Exam - tried to do this at the driving school, but they only do it on certain days.  Tried to go to an optometrist, but made the mistake of telling him that I wear contacts.  He said he would only do the test with my glasses, wanted a picture of me IN my glasses, and then also tried to SELL me a pair of glasses! LOL!!!  We got the heck outta there!  Third times the charm at the Vision Express in Villagio.  No hassle, very nice, in and out in a jiffy.  Kealy and I celebrated with some Starbucks!

Photo: Celebrating that Mommy had a hassle free eye exam today!!!
Step 2 - Signal Test - I think we made at least 4 trips to attempt the signal test and they either wanted more paperwork or it wasn't the right time.  Once I was finally able to take the exam it was 10 questions, and took me all of a minute to complete on the computer!  On to the third and final test....

Step 3 - Driving Exam - as I mentioned previously, my first appointment was for Tuesday, the 18th of February at 530AM. First of all, who makes appointments for this early in the morning???  I arrived at 520AM because I wasn't about to be late for this one.  It was still pitch black out, there was one other vehicle in the parking lot when I arrived.  I got out, walked around to the door and it was locked.  NOT getting a good feeling about this.  A couple walked up to me and asked me if I worked here.  (I chuckled inside, do I LOOK like I work here?)  I said no, and they told me that they were informed by security that the school was closed for the day.  Um, excuse me?  What?  Closed?  How can that possibly be?  Reality check.  This is Doha.  They can do whatever they want, whenever they want.  I laughed out loud.  I decided I would at least wait until 530 to see if anyone showed up.  Of course they didn't.  I went over to the security guy to talk to him.  He said they are closed for the rest of the week!  I laughed again.  "Big problem madame" he said.  I laughed and agreed, but what are you going to do?  Well I thought about going to Dunkin' Doughnuts, but instead returned home 15 minutes later.  Eric greeted me with an eager face, and I smiled and said, "I wish I could tell you that I have a license already, but sadly I don't"  We both laughed.  Welcome to Doha.

Step 3 (take 2) - went to the school the following Tuesday (ladies day) to see if I could take the test.  Presented a woman with my paperwork, she looked at it and said, "You were supposed to be here last Tuesday on the 18th of February"  Trying to be as polite as I can possibly muster I said, "I was here.  You were closed"  She smiles, "oh yes, we were closed"  She points me to another woman who takes my paperwork and makes me an appointment for March 4th

Step 3 (take 3) - up bright and early, again.  Have I mentioned that I'm not a morning person, and that the only reason I would ever enjoy getting up before the crack of dawn would be to catch an early flight to some place amazing.  Driving school....not amazing, however, it was necessary if I am to get around.  Off I went.  This time I arrived to find the parking lot full.  'We're really doing it this time', I thought.  I walk into the room and it's already full of women.  I present my paperwork to a gentleman, pay 200QR (about $55) and have a seat, and I wait.  I came prepared with some snacks, water, and a book.  The room continues to fill with women from all around the world.  I am somewhat of a sore thumb, a white girl with a grey hat in a sea of abayas.  A girl next to me is speaking English to a woman in the row in front of her.  I am learning that this is not their first time taking the test.  My anxiety starts to build.  I think to myself, 'this is crazy, I'm a good driver. (although my husband and my brother might feel otherwise!)  I've been driving for 17 years now!  I can do this'.  The girl next to me asks me where I'm from and we begin to chat.  I learn that she is half Dutch, half Egyptian and has lived in Holland, Egypt, Dubai, Houston, Texas, and now Doha.  My world seems small and insignificant in comparison.  She is only 23!  She explains what to expect for the test, as this is her second time.  They call her name, and I still sit and wait.  2 hours goes by, and they have not called my name.  I'm starting to get nervous, and wonder if they've somehow lost my paperwork.  Come to find out, several women had to demonstrate that they can back-up and parallel park the car.  For whatever reason I am not called to do this.  More waiting....but I'm no longer nervous.  The next stage they call women in groups of 3 and you get into a car with a policeman and drive.  I strain to hear the names being called as I don't want to miss mine.  When he does call my name he looks right at me; guess I am easy to spot!  This is it!  I walk outside to the vehicle and it is me and two other women wearing abayas.  They smile politely and allow me to take the drivers seat.  The policeman is a big man.  I hand him my paperwork and start adjusting mirrors and the seat while he talks to a man outside his window.  Arabic music is blaring.  I got this!  When I am all ready he says, "drive!" and points straight.  I exit the parking lot, turn right onto the street.  We take a left, go thru a round about and then he instructs me to park.  (mind you this took all of 2 minutes or less)  "Park?" I ask.  "yes"  "where?"  "ANYWHERE!"  Alrighty then, and I pull over onto the shoulder, park the car, get out, and move to the back seat.  The other two women drive for anywhere from 5-10 minutes and then we return to the school.  I made friends with one of the ladies.  She is from Egypt, also has 3 children, and taught herself how to speak English from the Internet!  Amazing!!!  Upon returning to the school I'm not sure what to do next so I approach the man who'd been calling out the names.  Before I can say anything he says, "Madame, sit" and points to a seat.  SIGH, whatever!  I sit down and get my book out and wait some more.  About an hour later they start calling names again and you are to approach the desk.  My name is called.  The man asks me if I have a credit card and hands me a ticket that says B 008.  I passed!!!!  I wait for my number, go to a different desk, pay 250QR (~$65) on my credit card, wait another 10 minutes and I am presented with my official Qatari drivers license!  Whoop, whoop!!!!  I am so tickled I drove straight to Krispy Kreme and ordered a dozen doughnuts! LOL!!!!  I will never, ever complain about a trip to the DMV again.  It is so simple in comparison.
Photo: After countless trips to the driving school, 4.5 hours today, and 600 rials later, I am the proud owner of a Qatar drivers license!!! Whoop, whoop!!!!

1 comment :

Lucinda H. Kennaley said...

Alf mabrook habibtee!! Great news - Great story!

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