Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Lulu Meltdown

So, the kids and I set out for a place called Lulu's this afternoon.  It's a grocery store that is probably the closest thing to Hyvee as you can come around here.  We are going to a get-together with some of our friends tomorrow and I wanted to make strawberry pretzel salad.  We were doing well with finding most of our ingredients until it came to the Cool Whip.  I found myself staring at a shelf trying to decide if I should buy the Redi Whip or heavy cream and make my own.  I'm thinking "what would my Mom do?"  Out of habit I reach into my purse for my cell phone.  I pull it out and stare at it for a second before I realize that I can't call her.  At least not right now, not wifi access.  I sigh heavily and try to ward off the tears, but it is just too much.  The realization has finally set in, for good, that I am no longer in America!  I know, you kinda have to chuckle.  And I'm sure you're thinking, "really Bridge, really? You've lived there for almost 3 months now!"  Well, I had been doing really well until something that I was so accustomed to doing I could no longer do.  Plus, I was really missing the luxury of shopping at Hyvee, or anywhere for that matter, where I could easily find my usual items.  

Couple that with a guy almost mowing me over in his giant Armada as I was exiting the parking lot, and I pretty much cried all the way home!  Just a wave of emotions from, "what have I done?  I moved to the desert!  I'm LIVING, LIVING in the Middle East!!!  What the.....!!!!"  to "You can do this.  This is an amazing opportunity and it's only for a short while.  You don't want to wallow thru it."  Those three sweet kids in the back....I heard Madie whisper, "Guys, I know Mom has her license now, but she really needs to concentrate, so we need to be quiet"  More tears.  Bless them.  This too shall pass, and we really are enjoying this experience....both the good, and rather challenging parts....but I really do miss Hyvee, and I really, really miss my family, especially my Mom.


Jeanne said...

:( Hang in there - summer's coming!!

Greg Marquart said...

Well Bridget, I certainly didn't chuckle through that...teary eyed right there with you...and that's when I got to thinking how much I miss my Friend Eric and the stories about his kids and his wife. I do know one thing about the Bahr Family...You guys are a strong make the most out of everything you are handed. You should get the whip cream in a can. Get a few extra and teach the kids how to squirt it in their mouths. I hope all well.

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