Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Sultan Qaboos' Palace and the Corniche

Our last day in Oman brought beautiful clear skies!  We set out to explore the Sultan's palace and do some walking along the corniche. 

 The back of the Sultan's palace - it was surrounded by a fence with guards.  He has a lovely view of the ocean, of course!!!

 With several forts around
The front of his palace overlooks this huge square
Gorgeous gardens surrounding it

We took the kids to a little park near by and watched these huge ships come in
Oman is known for it's frankincense, thus the huge incense burner on top of this hill!

This the top of a little cabana along the corniche where you can sit for shade.  I love the design!

This is what we presume to be the Sultan's yacht.  It looked like a giant cruise liner. 

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