Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Swimming & the Souq Waqif

Nothing like a brisk morning swim on New Year's Day!  The pool was pretty chilly, but the kids didn't seem to mind.  I guess there is a heater, but I didn't know that until afterwards.  Plus, I'm not sure that they would want to turn it on for only 3 people!

Happy New Year!  2014 is getting off to a great start!

Wednesday evening Mary Anne picked us up and we met Eric and his co-workers at the Souq Waqif for dinner.  The word "souq" - sounds like soup except with a Q or a K sound at the end - it translates into "the standing market".  This place was huge, lots of different alleyways to wander down.  I bet we only saw 1/3 of it.  They sell anything from fruit and nuts, to lamps, rugs, incense, or jewelry.  We wandered into a shop that Eric had purchased some wooden boxes for each of us from a gentleman.  He remembered Eric and wanted to offer us some tea.  He was so very nice.  We politely declined, as we were meeting people for dinner, but I hear his tea is very good!

 The Souq dates back at least 100 years, but was recently given an upgrade, but maintained the original look.
 Although we didn't do any buying, I definitely want to get back to this lantern shop, it looked so cool!

 The Qatari people are vey private and don't like to be photographed without their permission, so I had to be careful of what and who I snapped pictures of.
 Kaiden was vying for one of these swords....maybe someday buddy!
 This building is called the FANAR, or the Islamic Cultural Center.  It's a place where non-Arabs can go to learn more about the Islam and the culture of Qatar.  They offer different educational classes, including how to read, speak, and write Arabic!  They will also take you to visit a mosque.  I think it'd be an interesting place to go in someday.
 These are Qatari guards that patrol the Souq.  They were very impressive to watch.  They were all lined up with lots of people taking pictures, so I was able to snap one of them.  The kids were just amazed.
 This is the current building that Eric is working on.  It's an Emiri guard building, and that's about all I know! The job site is right next to the Souq.  Pictures of his "office" coming soon!!!

 This was an art institute in the Souq.  People can come and paint or do pottery.  The glass lanterns were just fascinating.  Definitely adding one of those to my "must have" list!!!

 We took a rest on some benches in the art gallery while we waited for our dinner time.

 We ate a delicious Italian meal at La Dolce Vita.  However, when Eric asked me what I wanted to drink, and I responded, "red wine" - everyone laughed.  How quickly I forget that they ONLY serve alcohol in the hotel or you have to have a liquor license to purchase alcohol for your home.  I replied, "what's an Italian meal without red wine?"  Like the tiny washer, I guess that is something that I'm going to have to get used to......
How quickly the time went by, but my beautiful mother had to leave this morning.  We were very sad to see her go.  I tried to bribe her with a nanny position, but I am afraid she declined.  I have some more pictures to post of the rest of our days together, but I just wanted her to know how much we appreciate her help, love, and support as we start this amazing journey.  Love you Mom!!!


Unknown said...

Put me on the list for a glass lamp too!! Beautiful. Love all the pictures especially the one of Gma and Kealy, Let us know how school goes. Hugs to all.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Bridget! It's amazing and beautiful! You're doing an incredible job documenting this journey. I am so impressed. Thank you for letting us enjoy it with you.

The Sartain Family said...

Souq was one of our favorite places! You will have to go there for breakfast! You went to our favorite Italian restaurant try her pumpkin ravoli YUMMY!

Unknown said...

What a fun adventure. I am sure your family will benefit from this great opportunity. Those lanterns look so fun... Gotta have one:-D

Unknown said...

What a fun adventure. I am sure your family will benefit from this great opportunity. Those lanterns look so fun... Gotta have one:-D

Joyce said...

I have tried to send comments from my phone but they are not going through. So just wanted you to know I love the pictures!! Looks like you are all getting settled in. The lanterns are very interesting. Love to each of you S. Joyce

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