Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Monday, January 20, 2014

Day 2 at the Inland Sea - Friay, 01.17.14

We woke up at 6am - the moon was still up and the sun was starting to rise.  Absolutely gorgeous.  So serene.  God does wondrous works.

The girls tent!  The kids slept great, and were plenty warm.  I, however, didn't sleep a wink.  My feet were cold, and every time a car came near our camp I was afraid they would crash into us - even though we had the cars circled up to protect us.  Better luck next time!

We camped on top of this sand dune - this is the view from the top looking down towards the sea
The campsite - Eric and Kaiden slept in the green, Yogi Bear, tent.  I think we will invest in a larger, sturdier tent like the blue one.  The brown tent, AKA the Vidal Castle, was where Sam, Cesar, and Barb slept.  A few people slept in their cars.


A room with a view - good morning Kyle!

Eric took the kids over to meet the people at the next campsite. They were fishing and the kids wanted to check it out.  Not sure what it was they were catching.

They also had two awesome dune buggies!

These kids are having the time of their life

Once the sun came up, it quickly warmed up into the 70's.  Even though the water was a little chilly, it didn't stop the kids from getting in.

We are so blessed to have this opportunity!  So far we are loving it!!!
 Eric came up with the idea of running and jumping off the side of the dune - he remembered seeing pictures of Mike Sartain doing it and that it was fun
As you can tell, we had A LOT of fun doing this!!!

Kyle has mad hops!

Time for the girls to go

Spidey Sense

Can you see the YMCA?

I learned that the word "bahr" in Arabic means "a body of water"  pretty cool since we were right by the sea!
Turns out Brad used to be a gymnast!

 The land you see across the water is Saudi Arabia!  Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be this close.

A caravan of dune buggies drove by - 6 of them

I'm not really sure what I did to deserve this wonderful & amazing man for my husband, but I sure am thankful and proud of him, all of his hard work, and for providing us with the opportunity of a lifetime.


Lucinda H. Kennaley said...

Wow, wonderful post, great pictures!!!

Joyce said...

Looks like you all had a great time!! Thanks for all the pictures they are fun to see :-)

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