Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Adventures to the Inland Sea - Day 1, Thursday, 01.16.14

To help you (and myself) get a better idea of where we went, I found this wonderful map!  The Inland Sea is an inlet of the Persian Gulf.  We drove in Thursday night, and it took us about 2 hours, half of which was off-road in the sand dunes!  Quite the adventure!!!
When you hit the sand you have to let the tire pressure out to about 18psi.  Cesar, the expert dune basher, and Barb in the background, helped us with this.
Or, if you'd prefer to trade your SUV for a camel, the options are there....

The kids LOVED going over all the bumps, I was a little nervous at times. Eric said it was a lot like driving in the snow when the sand is really soft.  At other times, it was very compact with all of the cars traveling over it.

Chasing the sun

Aaron - claiming the spot for the fire!  He was so proud!

The moon was just amazing.  This photo hardly does it justice.  It was so nice to escape the city lights and see some stars.  Just simply stunning.

We spent the evening sitting around the fire eating, drinking, and sharing in each others company.  We rationed the firewood and it lasted until about 11:30.  Once the fire was gone, it was literally lights out!  Adventures from Day 2 in the dunes coming soon....

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