Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Catholic Church, Turkey Central & the Singing Sand Dunes

Eric took Thursday off so we could take Mom around exploring.  Our first stop, Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church.
It's located in a religious compound where the land has been designated for Christian denominations to build churches, however, they are not permitted to put any religious symbols on the outside of the building.  So from the street it just appears as an ordinary building, but once you walk inside..... is simply stunning

 There is a beautiful grotto just outside the church - but you can't see it from the street.  The kids said a prayer and threw a coin in the fountain
 There was also a beautiful outdoor nativity scene
 After visiting the church we went to lunch at Turkey Central.  The food was amazing!  Even the kids were willing to try it.  Above was an appetizer sampler that we got - it had different types of dips that we ate with fresh baked Lebanese bread.
 This was our main dish, the mixed grill - it had veggies and steak, chicken, and meatballs that you rolled up in those tortillas and ate.  It was delish!!!

 We stopped by Eric's work to check out the job site and see where his desk is.  Cranes and rebar and workers were everywhere!  It was quite the site!
 His desk is inside a job trailer - a little cubicle, just like at home
Two of his coworkers, Kyle & Cesar
 Next stop was the Singing Dunes!!!
 We made it to the top!!!

 When you slide down and move the sand it sings!
 Kealy's tiny footprints - precious
 It's quite the workout climbing up


1 comment :

Joyce said...

Thanks for the pictures. I was wondering how the church would be set up. It is beautiful! The food sounds healthy and interesting which is a good thing. I would like it but not sure U. Mike would :-) How far are the sand dunes from where you live? it looked like fun sliding down. Great pictures!!!

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