Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Monday, January 6, 2014

Care Packages & Mailings

I've received several questions about how to mail things to us.  They don't really have a mail system over here.  I'm told they do have a post office, but there are no real addresses, which makes it very interesting when trying to locate things!
Burns & McDonnell does monthly mailings on the 15th of each month.  I would say to make sure your things are there by the 13th of the month to be safe.  They have a contract with Fed Ex and it only takes about 5 or 6 days for us to get our stuff! 
So, here's what you can do.  If you live in the Kansas City area and would like to drop something off, you would take it to the loading dock at the main office located at 9400 Ward Parkway. 
  • The loading dock is on the back side of the building off Bannister and Summit street.  You drive thru the parking lot to get to the loading dock. 
  • You have to walk up some steps and ring the doorbell and they will buzz you in.
  • Tell them you have something to ship to Eric Bahr in Doha. 
  • Carlos Johnson is the man in charge of shipping/receiving and he is extremely nice.
  • If you are dropping something off, put Eric's name on it as follows Eric Bahr - MDD - Doha
  • You will also need to tape a note with the contents of the box and their value on the outside.  They insure all of the packages and this gives them an idea of what the contents are worth.
If you are mailing them to Burns & McDonnell, you should mark your letters or packages as follows
Eric Bahr - MDD - Doha
Burns & McDonnell
9400 Ward Parkway
Kansas City, MO 64114
Although we've been able to find a lot of the items that we like in the stores, some items that we would love to receive include.....
  • Fruit Snacks
  • JIF Creamy All Natural Peanut Butter
  • Oreos
  • Popcorn
  • Any type of dark chocolate or M&M's
  • Chlorox wipes
  • Chunk, white albacore tuna
  • Doritos - they have them here, but they are super expensive
  • Oatmeal
  • Tomato, cream of chicken or chicken noodle soup - I know, who needs soup when you live in the desert, but my kids love it!
I wish you could ship ice cream because I have yet to find a brand that I like!!!  Maybe that's a sign that I should just give it up???   NAH! What was I thinking?!?!  I might periodically post some shipping requests, but anything you send is much appreciated!  THANKS!!!!


1 comment :

Jeanne said...

Seriously? JIF peanut butter - do you want our retirement fund to go to pot? I can send as much Skippy creamy peanut butter as you want!

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