Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Aspire Park & a Rainy Saturday

Part of Eric's contract is that he works 6 days a week - his only day off is on Friday, so we are learning to make the most of that day!  Friday was another gorgeous day here so we took the kids to Aspire Park, which is only about 5 minutes from our house!
 They have lots of walking trails, workout stations, a pond, and even some little cafes.

 The kids got to ride their new scooters, and we took our blanket, books, and some snacks.
 It was just so amazing to see families from all over the world sharing this park together.  Very cool!!!

 They have this neat bridge that shoots water over it.  I'm sure it will feel very refreshing in the warmer months, it was actually a little chilly this day.

 It reminded me of Krug park with the pond, the ducks, and they even had paddle boats!
Aspire Tower

 Saturday brought cooler temps and rain ALL DAY LONG!  It's actually rained at least 3 or 4 times since we've been here.  They don't really have a good drainage system, or one at all for that matter, so there are lots of puddles and flooding.  It's interesting because people here have no idea what to do when they come to a puddle so they usually go all the way around it!
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These pictures were taken from the Doha News twitter feed just to give you an idea
Needless to say, after a quick trip to the store, we stayed inside and did crafts, played, and watched a movie.  As Grammy would say, "it's a rainy day, and we can't go out to play. Guess we'll have to stay inside!"


Joyce said...

Looks like a GREAT park - glad it is so close to you. Sounds like Eric has quite a work schedule so good you can take Fridays to play!! Love to all, Aunt Joyce

Unknown said...

oh man. look at keeks workin that hip pop. that little one is gonna be BIG trouble when she gets boyfriends. lots and lots do boyfriends.

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