Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Monday, February 4, 2013

Christmas Recap

 Christmas was such a busy time, that things just got away from me and the blogging!  I know we're rounding Valentine's Day, but I wanted to put up some of my favorites!!!
 Kaiden and his class celebrating their Christmas party in their jammies!!!
 Kaiden's Christmas program in the church.  He's the third from the right
 Backstage with his buds, Brooks & Brady
 His class sang "Away in the Manger" & "I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus"
I love this little handsome fella!
Cheesing it up with Uncle Chipper
 Grandpa Hayes and Grandma Rauth supervising the cooking
 GG and Madison
 Me and Grandpa - gosh he looks good!
 Kaiden wearing Grandpa's new ski goggles!  (they're for mowing the grass! haha!)

 Tiny dancer
I got a new apron and Kealy got a dance outfit!
 Waiting patiently to open presents at Grandma Bahr's house
 We surprised Grandpa with a new T.V.!!!
 All dressed up for Christmas Eve mass
 Our beautiful family - except Kaiden is making a pirate face!
 The girls are growing up into little ladies

We had an absolutely wonderful Christmas.  We were able to spread things out, which made it much more relaxing and enjoyable.  Christmas spirit means even more to me now that I have my own children.  It's just such a magical time with lots of wonderful memories being made.

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