Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Day 2 - Rome, Italy - 10.01.12

 Buon giorno Roma!!!  This is the view across the street from our room.  Today's agenda: hit some of the hot spots of Rome....
First stop, the Pantheon!  An architectural wonder.  For information on the history of the Pantheon and how it was built, click here
The word "pantheon" literally means "temple consecrated to all gods"
The oculus is the main source of natural light, and the interior of the dome was possibly intended to symbolize the arched vault of the heavens.

A sculpture by II Lorenzone of St. Anne and the Blessed Virgin

Raphael's tomb
 Egyptian obelisk - Bernini designed the elephant it's standing on
The Grand Hotel De La Minerva in Rome.  It's right next to the Pantheon and is a 5 star hotel.  NO, we did not stay here!!!
 Inside the Santa Maria Sopra Minerva church
 This is the only Gothic church in Rome.  Simply stunning.

Like looking up into the heavens
Michelangelo's Christ the Redeemer 
Il Gesù church

Stained glass window at Ignatius of Loyola museum
Victor Emmanuel monument - made of white marble
Italian ruins

 The fabulous Colosseum
We were there around 6:00PM and the sun was beginning to set.  Gorgeous!

Looking through one of the archways at the very top.
 There are two spots in St. Peter's Square where the four colonnades appear as one.  An engineering marvel!

 One of my favorite nighttime shots of St. Peter's - Bellissimo!!!
I fell in love with this bulldog on the way to dinner.  Look how fat and adorable he is!
 Dinner time!

You guessed it, gelato for dessert!!!

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