Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Labor Day Weekend

 We spent the weekend in St. Joe to hang out with family and attend the annual Wathena Fall Festival.  We started out Saturday night by watching Grandma Bahr and some of the aunts and uncles sing on the stage.
 There's Grandma in the blue!
 Zoe & Kealy
 Zoe, crazy Aunt Shanny, Kealy and Kaiden
 Leah, Grandpa, and Ethan
 Beautiful little Clara - Ben & Andrea's daughter
 After the show we hit the rides

 We ended the night on the dinos before heading to Pizza Hut for dinner and the Dairy Barn for dessert!
 Back again on Sunday with cousin Gracie
 We made it back to Aunt Karla's just in time for the parade to start

Kaiden's favorite was the tractors.  He kept telling me to take their picture!

 Kealy thought the fire trucks were too loud!
 Gracie and Grandpa (and Aunt Christie trying to peek her head in the background)
Ms. Isabella, or bull dog as I like to call her, smiling away on the little airplane.

We had a fabulous & busy weekend.  We got to see lots of family from both sides, and ate lots of yummy food.  Booked the rest of our hotels for Italy, and will be preparing for that trip at the end of this month!  I can't believe how fast the time has gone.

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