Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Madison's 6th Birthday

We celebrated Madison's 6th birthday on August 11th with a mermaid party!  Chip's girlfriend, Anne, made Madie a mermaid costume for Christmas and ever since then a mermaid party was all she could talk about!  We decided to have it at the Summit Waves water park since it went well with our theme!!!
We scoured Pinterest together looking for the perfect mermaid cake and we came up with this!  Madison knew EXACTLY what she wanted, and told me where to put everything.  I think it turned out pretty cute, and tasted yummy!
We completed the lunch with sand dollar sandwiches, corral chips, and salmon eggs!
Kealy hanging out with Max waiting for the party to start
Zoe and Kayla
Gracie and Kealy
Jude and Madison - notice the mermaid costume!
Checking out her new sneakers from Grandma Bahr
Happy 6th Birthday to our beautiful little girl.  You are growing up so fast, and making Mommy and Daddy very proud!  We love you.
She was so excited to get a princess alarm clock so she can wake up in time for school!
A new mermaid back pack
and a dance leotard from Great Grandma Rauth.

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