Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Monday, August 13, 2012

2012 Festival of the Butterflies

Friday couldn't have been a more beautiful day to head out to Powell Gardens to see the butterflies and moths.
We invited my Mom and Dad down this year to go with us.  We had a fantastic time.  This has become one of my favorite times of the year.
Checking out some bugs under the microscope.
The kids made antennas and wings!
Pretending like they are real butterflies.....smelling the flowers.
Can you spot the caterpillar in this photo?
The exotic butterflies and moths in the atrium were simply amazing!!!
The Blue Morpho - definitely my fave!
Now, those of you who know me best know that I have a very strong, very real fear of moths.  So why, might you ask, would I enjoy a moth exhibit???  Well, they are truly beautiful, however, I will admit to grabbing onto this old man's arm when one started flying around!  I apologized, and told him I was scared, and we both had a good laugh!
 They had an area specifically for the monarchs.  They taught the kids how to catch them and release them safely.  Pretty cool!
This was Madison's favorite part, she went back three times!
Simply Stunning.
 God's handiwork indeed.
 Our little monarchs!

 Handsome fellas
3 peas in a pod
 The grapes in the Harvest Garden made me thirsty for our upcoming trip to Italy!!!
 Couldn't think of a better way to end the day than with homemade ice cream!  Yum Yum!!!
Dad and his root beer float!

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