Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Monday, June 4, 2012

Jesse & Liz's Wedding

We were so excited to find out that we were invited to Jesse & Liz's wedding, and not only that, but that Eric was going to be a groomsman!!!
Chip, Jose, Eric, and Joe 
The beautiful bride with her father
The kiss
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Bernard
The wedding party
Jose & I - hadn't seen him in a few years!!!  We had so much fun hanging out with his adorable family.
Jumping over that tiny wave!  Hahaha!  I just had to have a photo like this.
Anne & I - glad she was able to come with us
The lovebirds.
Oh Florida, and the beach, how we miss you already.  It was an amazing 5 days with the Bernard family.  Lots of laughs, jokes, and memories.

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