Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Monday, May 14, 2012

BIG Truck Night

April 26th was MODOT's annual BIG truck  night.  We absolutely love this event; the kids always have a blast, and Eric and I usually learn something as well!
The kids love climbing up into the trucks and tractors and pretending that they are the drivers!
She thought she was hot stuff
Police motorcycle - so cool!
Dad was able to meet us there after work.  Kealy thinks she's the new sheriff in town!
Working on an airplane puzzle
Barrel Betty - drive safe thru the work zones!
Driving the tanker truck - his favorite
Sitting on top of one of the wheels of the tanker truck.  I must admit, I've learned WAY more about trucks and tractors than I ever knew...all thanks to these 3 kids!

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