Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Breakfast With Santa

Last Saturday, Mom and I took the kids to Powell Gardens to have breakfast with Santa. It was perfect! No huge crowds or lines to wait in. We dined on Chris Cakes pancakes, eggs, and juice before making our wishes known to Santa.
The kids were very excited, not nervous or scared at all. It was so cute to watch them interact with this very authentic looking Santa. Madison was prepping everyone on the way over, "First, you have to tell him your name and your age, and then you get to tell him what you want for Christmas" Darned if Santa didn't ask them those exact questions!!!
Mom and the kids with Santa

After our visit we walked around the atrium to admire the beautiful poinsettias
Absolutely Stunning
I loved this pink one!
Next came a snowman craft.
The kids with their snowmen in front of the most beautiful tree

Mrs. Claus read stories by the fireplace
It cleared off in time for a ride on the Barrel Express before heading home. Madie is in the yellow car, I was riding with Kealy and Kaiden in the back. This is definitely something we will be adding to our MUST DO list next season!!!

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