Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Madie goes to the dentist

We've had quite the day today! It started off with a trip to the dentist for Madison. This is officially her second trip...her first one was about a year ago and it was a complete disaster. So I went in expecting the worse, and was pleasantly surprised when it didn't go quite nearly as bad as I imagined! It helps that she's a year older! We went to Dr. Thomas at Pediatric Dental Specialists in Lee's Summit. They have the office decorated with dinosaurs, butterflies, and all sorts of cute things. Madie was in awe of all the toys to play with in the waiting room. They even had an old video arcade where we played some Pac Man! The fun ended when they called her name and she gave me the "ready to go bye-bye look". We walked around the office, and the girl was very nice. We sat and talked for a little bit prior to the dentist coming in. First we examined a dinosaurs teeth and then it was Madie's turn. She sat on my lap and laid back onto the Dr. Thomas' lap while she "counted" her teeth. Madie got a good report, no cavities! We got a new toothbrush, some stickers, and a toy on the way out. Back in 6 months for another check up! As we were walking out the door she said to me, "that's not so bad". She was such a good girl we went to Walmart for some groceries and she got to pick out a new toy. She wanted this Dora back pack that she can use to pack her stuff in to go to Grandma's! She and I came home, had lunch, and then picked up the other munchkins and headed to the park. Ms. Sandra informed me that she thought Kealy has thrush (a yeast infection in her mouth - can we say GROSS) one look, and sure enough she did. So I was on the phone to the pediatrician's office to get a Rx called in. JOY!
We played at the park for about an hour before coming home for naps. It sure was nice to get some sunshine!
Kealy took her nap in the shade at the park!
So the pediatrician's office said they would call in a Rx for both Kealy and I for the thrush. Since I'm nursing her, I needed something as well. Eric was going to pick them up on the way home from work. He called me to say he was on his way, but without the Rx b/c the pharmacy didn't have them. Are you freakin' kidding me?! They said they weren't called in. By this time it's after 6, so I called the doctor's after hours to have the on call doc paged. Well, they have urgent care until 7 and won't page the doc until after 7 b/c they would rather you just go in. To say I was furious would put it mildly. I called the pharmacy to see if maybe it got sent to a different location, and when the guy looked it up he said they got the order and it would be ready in an hour. I decided to take 5 and go mow the grass, which turned out to be an excellent workout since the gears are going out. I even felt like having a beer afterwards, and I NEVER drink beer, in fact I don't even like it. Two sips later confirmed that I still don't like it, no matter how mad or hot I am. So it is now 800, and I finally got the medicine, the kids are in the tub, and Eric is cleaning up dinner. What a crazy day, and I am exhausted. So much for a relaxing evening watching the Biggest Loser. Stay tuned tomorrow for more adventures......

1 comment :

John Seiler said...

You even had beer in your house? Amazing! Cheers!

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