Just when I thought we'd made it thru the brunt of winter without any illnesses we get struck! It all started Monday night...I had bought Madison a Mickey/Minnie birthday cake to celebrate her 1/2 birthday. I felt like she was feeling a little left out with Kealy coming and Kaiden having a birthday celebration, so after dinner we celebrated! She was so surprised!!!
Blow out the candle....
Little did I know about 2 hours later I would be cleaning up that frosting for the second time, some of which ended up on my BRAND NEW COUCH!!!! Argh!
We'd given them baths and Eric, Kaiden, and Kealy were snuggling on the couch Monday night when Eric started yelling for me...I came running down the hall to find poor Kaiden covered in puke. I quickly whisked him off the couch and into the bathroom for a second bath. I kept both kids home on Tuesday and everyone seemed to be on the mend.
Last night, Kaiden woke up at 11:00 with a fever of 102, and a horrible sounding cough. I got really nervous about how he sounded so I called Cara for a second opinion. She gave me some reassurance and we played musical couches and beds thru the night trying to help him get comfortable. I was going to take him to the doctor this morning, but once again he was acting more like himself so we stayed home and just rested up. Madison has also had a little cold, so we mostly snuggled on the couch and watched movies today. We did go outside for a little bit to get some fresh air.
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