Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Happy 6th Birthday Kaiden!!!

Happy 6th Birthday Kaiden!!!
 We celebrated that evening with dinner at TGIF!
 Kaiden wanted a wale party, sperm whale to be exact!  We celebrated the Saturday after his birthday with our friends in the compound.
 You can find ANYTHING on Amazon!
 So tickled that he got a whale from Matt & Dawn!
 Lauren and Poppy in the back.  Daisy, Daniella, Dario, Oliver, Madison, Kaiden, and Kealy
 The kids are lovin' the pinata

Ollie & Ollie!

Even though we greatly miss our family and friends back home, we have been tremendously blessed with new friends and somewhat of an extended family here.

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