Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Doha - 1 month down!

I did some grocery shopping by myself this evening and it allowed me some quiet time with just me and my thoughts.  That's when it dawned on me...I've been living in Doha for over a month now!  WOW! Where did the time go???  After reminiscing about this past month I've decided that it can best be summed up into what I've learned, what I love, and what I miss.

What I've learned : I've learned that moving half way across the world isn't as scary as I thought it would be.  I've learned that my family has a sense of adventure that I never knew existed.  That we are stronger than I ever imagined, and that as long as we are together, that's all that truly matters.  I've learned that you can travel around the world and a lot of things are fundamentally the same.  Mothers rush their kids off to school, friends chat over coffee.  It just never ceases to amaze me.

What I love:  Well, right now I am lovin' this weather and the opportunity to escape the cold of winter back in Missouri!  (sorry friends!)  I love being able to swim in January.  I love trying new food, new things (like sewing), and meeting lots of new people from all over the world.  Most of all though, I love being able to have time for my family.  Real, genuine time. Not rushed.  Not squeezed between school hours, work hours, dance, dishes, laundry, and the hectic-ness that most of life brings.  I love being able to have time to teach myself how to RELAX!  Feeling comfortable sitting on the front porch and reading a book while the kids play.  Enjoying my time with them at the park instead of feeling like we have to rush home to "get things done".  I love that I've had real, genuine conversations with my husband, time to sit on the couch and watch a show with him, instead of feeling like life is just rushing by and we are two ships passing in the night.  Hoping I can figure out a way to carry this back with us when we return to the States.

What I miss: (SIGH) I miss my family of course.  I miss my furry friend Max.  I miss all of the conveniences of a full sized washer and dryer!  I miss going to a grocery store and not only being able to find what I want, but having options! I miss lush, green grass.  REAL grass!!!  I miss the wonderful school and church community that we have at OLP.  Although the kids are loving school, and we enjoy being able to walk to school, I can't say enough about what amazing friends and teachers we have at OLP. 

I will say that thus far this experience has been better than I ever imagined.  We are truly trying to savor every moment and enjoy this opportunity.  Thank you for sharing in our adventures along the way! 


Unknown said...

oh yeah. I don't miss you either jerk face. :(

Joyce said...

Well it is snowing here so I had some time to catch up on your blog. Looks like you have been having some fun in the warm weather. Send some this way if you would please :-) I am so happy for all of you that the adventure is going so well. We miss you too but know the time will go fast. I hope when you return you bring some of that RELAXATION with you. Love to all, A. Joyce

The Harrington's said...

Hello.... Been reading your blog.... Sounds like U all are enjoying your new glad u are...
Sure miss u in rehab!!!!
Yes I am sure you aren't missing our weather !!
We just got back from down South ...
Just wanted to say Hi.... Hugs Dee

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