Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Discoveries on our 3rd week in Doha!

We've had a busy week, full of lots of "firsts" in our Doha experiences!  On Sunday I took a sewing class with my friend Dawn.  It's rather comical since my mother can sew very well, and I've never touched a machine in my life!  Who knew that it'd take moving half way across the world to learn how to sew!
 Meet Dawn - her husband, Matt, works with Eric and she has been here since May.  Dawn is very fun loving, crafty, and great with the kids!  Her laugh is contagious & she also loves to bake!  I am so grateful to have her here and for her getting me out of the house to learn and see new things!
 Look Mom, I can sew!!!!  We were working on a reversible bag - we didn't have time to finish, so you'll have to wait to see the finished product.....  We took the class at this place called Inspiration Station and it's not far from where we live!  They offer classes on sewing, crafts, scrapbooking, and quilting!  The woman who owns it, Mel, is awesome, and very patient!
Sunday evening we attended mass, and I think that's when it started to hit me that we are really here.  I think it was partly to do with the fact that we were in church, something that is so familiar and yet so far from home.  Although there are a few differences, mostly in the music, it's just amazing to me that you can go around the world and find continuity in the church.  We are so very blessed!  The kids did fantastic, and I think we will really like it there. 
 Monday morning I awoke to this Mama bird and her two baby birds perched on the balcony railing outside by bedroom window.  I will have to look into what kind of birds they are!
 Monday I had coffee and tea with 5 lovely ladies from our compound.  Most of them are from the UK, I did meet one woman from Romania, but they are all extremely nice!  I don't think I've ever had such a friendly welcome!  Our compound has a Facebook page, which is a great way for us ladies to communicate.
 After coffee the kids an I had some errands to run.  This picture is in front of Aspetar Hospital - it's a sports medicine and orthopaedic hospital that is near our home.  I had to drop a Rx off at the pharmacy, but this place is amazing!  I told Eric that if I did want to work, I would definitely start there!
 As I mentioned earlier, malls are the place to be here, and each mall seems to try to out-do one another.  The Villagio has a mini theme park inside - we will be returning to check that out sometime!
 We treated ourselves to some Cold Stone Creamery after our shopping!!!  DELICIOUS!!! I've decided that we'll have to settle for ice cream at places like this because what I've been able to find in the store is very grainy.
 Taking advantage of the workout facility with my exercise buddies on Tuesday morning!  Tuesdays our housekeeper, Abu, comes so we try to get out of the house in the afternoon while he's there.
 So....we practiced our diva poses!!!

 Stylin' sistas!
 We went down to the park to play....
 We spend a lot of time at the playgrounds, which is awesome for us this time of year!
 If you can't tell, the kids love the swings!  I loved the swings myself when I was a kid, the wind blowing thru your hair, the tickle in your belly, and just looking up at the sky and day dreaming!  I have really been enjoying the time we have together - just watching them laugh and be care free - reminds me of all the fun I had when I was a kid!
 IKEA!!!  Tuesday afternoon we made our second trip there to pick up a few things for our villa.  This place is AWESOME!  Not only do they have a cafeteria with good food for cheap, but they also have a kids play area where I can drop the kids off to play while I shop!
 With the kids meal we got tickets for a free ice cream after we shopped! YES PLEASE!!!

 Arabian nights - overlooking the balcony outside our bedroom
 Tuesday evening we hosted our first dinner party.  3 Burns & Mac employees from KC are here for the week so we had them and some of our other friends over for Turkey Central. 
 Wednesday we took Kaiden for his first haircut here.  He did great, and he got to watch Tom & Jerry while he got his hair trimmed.  Kaitlyn, if you're reading this, we missed you....and the basket of suckers!!!
Meet Sam - another new friend of ours!  Her husband, Cesar, works with Eric and they came over in November.  Sam is also great with the kids, is a coffee lover ;-) and has also been instrumental in showing us around the city.  One of the things I love about living here is all of the friends that we have already made.

Handsome fella after his haircut!
This afternoon we are leaving for a night out camping in the desert by the Inland Sea!  From what I've heard this is a MUST while in Doha.  The scenery is supposed to be stunning!  As for the camping....well, I'm not much of a camper, but I'm giving it a go.  The kids are super excited.  Samantha spent all day yesterday shopping with us to prepare meals.  We even found things for some make-shift s'mores!  So....stay tuned to hear about our weekend adventures and pictures from this excursion!!!


Joyce said...

Love it that you are making some good friends already!! The pictures are awesome so keep them coming. Enjoy the camping trip!! I will watch for a report! Love to each of you. A. Joyce

Wendy said...

Thanks Bridget for updating the blog so often! It's fun to see the non-construction side of Doha ;)

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