Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Follow-up to the Turkey Trot

Once I quit my job I was able to start attending the all school masses with the kids and I absolutely love it for several reasons.  One, I always remember my mother attending mass and how proud it made me feel to have her there.  Also, Fr. Tom gives amazing homilies and it just feels so good to a part of such a great community.  Today was no exception.  After mass, Mrs. Briggs (the principal) and Fr. Tom announced the proceeds from the Turkey Trot a few weekends ago.  A gentleman was there from Lee's Summit Social Services and the school presented him with a check for $10,000!!!  The school library also got $16,000 to put towards new books, learning materials, etc.  Needless to say...I was a mess!!! 

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