Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Sunday, October 20, 2013

What have we been up to???

WOW!!!  It's been quite some time since I've blogged and I bet some of you out there were wondering if I would ever return!  Things have been very busy in the Bahr house, and at work - we had two girls out on maternity leave at my job, and I was working extra.  We've been full speed ahead since school and dance have started back, but here are some pics of some of the fun things we've been up to as well!

August 11th we celebrated Madison's 7th birthday at Powell Gardens at the butterfly festival!  Hard to believe my first little baby is already 7!

 August 13th school started!!!  We now have a kindergartener and a first grader!!!
 Kaiden getting settled into his classroom

Madie was sooooo excited to get Mrs. Bisacca this year!

 The big first grader at her desk
 The following weekend we celebrated with friends at Summit Waves with a butterfly themed birthday party!  I'm really getting into this cake decorating!

 Larry turned 60 September 14th and we surprised him with dinner on Saturday night and a lunch at Linda's on Sunday.  We went with a Duck Dynasty theme and it was a big hit!  That's a fact Jack!!!

 October 10th was watch week at dance!  Madison is in a jazz class this year.

Kealy is in Dance Sampler 2 - they do ballet and tap

 Oh no!  All the pumpkin bars are gone!!!  Haha - today, October 19th, we spent the afternoon soaking up the fall weather at Powell Gardens.  LOVE it out there!

 During the month of October they have different scarecrows and you can vote for your favorite.  This one is "beauty school drop out"
 "Who's watching who?"
 3 of the cutest scarecrows I could find!!!
 We also found lots of acorns!
Okay - I'm hoping to get back on my blogging routine!  Thanks for staying tuned!

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