Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Breakfast with Santa

 Last Saturday we enjoyed Chris Cakes with Santa at Powell Gardens!
 This was our second year to this event, and I enjoy it just as much as the kids do.  I love that there aren't a ton of people and or a long line to see Santa!  Very quiet and personable.
 This kid LOVES pancakes
 They were so excited to see Santa, and he gave them each a little bear.
 After visiting Santa they made some Christmas cards
 Daddy helping Kealy
 He is getting so big, so fast

 Story time with Mrs. Claus
 The atrium was full of beautiful poinsettias
 Might have to use this one for a Christmas card next year!
 They had a play area in the atrium.  The kids loved it!
 I can't believe how fast Madison is growing either.  Let's face it, I'm in denial!!!
 Took a quick train ride before heading back home
If you've never been to Powell Gardens I highly recommend it any time of year.  We thoroughly enjoy our membership there.

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