Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Fairy Houses & Forts

Today brought clouds and cooler temperatures!  Finally!!!  So the kids and I ventured out to Powell Gardens to check out their Fairy Houses & Forts exhibit.
We had a fun time hunting for and exploring each new place.
RRRRRRrrrrr, it's Captain Kaiden
The pirate ship was by far the favorite!
We found the buried treasure!
This little fairy house was cute, and they had chalk on the inside that the kids could write on the walls with.
The inside of the fairy house.
We spotted a butterfly on these cone flowers.  I can't wait for the Festival of the Butterflies in a couple of weeks!!!
 We ended our visit by cooling off in the fountains!  It was a lot of fun!!!

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