Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Christie Got Married!!!

April 28th we celebrated Christie and Skyler's wedding!!!  Hard to believe that they've almost been married for a month now.
Christie wanted all of her nieces to be flower girls.  Kaiden had to sneak in there too!
Trying to get a group shot with the bride and groom.
Why do I see this photo as a prediction of the future???  Kaiden with 4 girls on his arms!!!
An attempt at a family photo since we are all dressed up.  I think this is the ONLY one we got without Kealy's finger up her nose!  Oh well!
Here comes the beautiful bride!!!
The kids couldn't wait to dance!
 LOVE this handsome fella!!!
Everyone had a great time!
Me and my parents
Larry - he's just so stinkin' cute in that suit!!!
Christie and Eric
My handsome husband!
This is Mark Lawhorn, a kid that I used to BABYSIT!!!  Hahaha!  

Many blessings to Christie and Skyler for a long, healthy, and happy marriage.  Thanks so much for inviting us to share in your special day! 

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