Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


We had a whirl wind of an Easter with lots of egg-tivities, starting with egg dying with all of the cousins at the Bahr house!!!  It's always so fun when they are all able to get together.
Out of the 10 grandchildren, Ethan and Kaiden are the only boys!  They gotta stick together!!!
Kealy did a great job on her eggs...and surprisingly didn't make too big of a mess!
Ms. Ella
After lunch we headed to Moila for their egg hunt.  They had it in the ballroom this year since the weather was cold and rainy.  The kids had fun nonetheless!!!
Madie getting ready for them to open the door!
Two thumbs up from these guys!
Kealy didn't wait long to dive into her stash!
Thanks Grandpa for inviting us!

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