Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Kealy Turns 2!

Miss Kealy Jeanne turned 2 yesterday!!! It's hard to believe how fast she is growing up! She acts like 2 going on 22! We celebrated Minnie Mouse style....
Silly Grandma...she made some Minnie Mouse ears!
Mmmm, cupcakes!!! Big thanks to my friend Teri for helping with the fondant!
I made her a Minnie Mouse fleece blanket.
Kaiden got a new Lightning McQueen coloring book from Aunt Reine!
Minnie Mouse Birthday Bow-tique!
All of the kids got new bath towels from Grandma Hayes

The laser light top from Grandma Bahr was a big hit!
Happy Birthday to Kealy!!!
Who needs a spoon for ice cream when you have 5 fingers???
Kealy had her 2 year check up today and got a good report. She weighs 23#12oz (14th percentile) is 32 inches tall (9th percentile) and is in the 50th percentile for head circumference! Looks like she takes after Grandpa Hayes! She and I had a great day together playing, reading, and we even took Max for a walk. After our nap we picked the big kids up from school, picked up some Sheridan's and then headed to the park. Loving this warm January weather!!!

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