Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Halloween 2011

We had a fun filled Halloween full of Halloween parties and trick-or-treating. I was so happy that Halloween was on a Monday (the day that I am off work) so that I was able to attend their school parties. It was a bit of a challenge trying to split my time between the three of them, but I feel as though I did the best I could, and they were so excited to have their mom there! First stop was Kealy's class. They started with a parade around the school and finished in the classroom with some activities.
Kealy and her teacher, Ms. Kelly, both dressed up as Minnie Mouse
Kealy's favorite part by far was the cupcake and cookie she got to devour!
Kealy's Class
Next stop was with Ka-da-boo. I got to eat lunch with him, and watched him enjoy a cake pop!
Probably the cutest dragon I've ever seen!
Kaiden's class
Madie working on decorating a foam pumpkin
Madie's Class
The kids and I hit the neighborhood while Eric manned the door (and watched the Chiefs game). We couldn't have asked for better weather, and to quote Madison - "it was the best Halloween EVER!!!"

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