Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Meet Max

We had quite the event this weekend! We drove to the middle of nowhere Kansas (aka Strong City) to pick up our new dog, Max. He is simply adorable and stole our hearts the moment we laid eyes on him. These pictures really don't do him justice for just how amazing his coloring is.
Madison just loves him and is such a little mother to him - just as she is with the rest of her siblings
The two of them snuggled all the way home
As soon as we got home our neighbors, Rich and Catrina, came running over to meet Max. He also got introduced to one of his fence mates, Jax. I can tell they are going to be the best of friends.
We played and played outside the rest of this weekend.
He has such a cute personality and loves to clown around, just like a boxer!
The kids snuggled up with him Saturday night to watch a movie. He was worn out from playing. Although we dearly miss our beloved Barkley, I think Max will be a great addition to our family. I really missed having a dog around the house to snuggle, or just play with in the yard.

Today I also started my new job at St. Luke's South. I really like the culture and the people there and I think this will be a much needed positive change in my life. The past three months have been, without a doubt, some of the hardest months of my life thus far. We went thru a lot of life changes, one after the other, and that took a great toll on me physically and mentally. I finally, for the first time in three months, feel like my life is turning around for the better. Between faith, prayers, and the love and support of great family and friends, I have pulled thru and I truly feel that I am coming out a stronger person for it; and for that, I thank you.

1 comment :

Joyce said...

Bridget - I am so thankful life has taken a turn for the better for you. I was concerned but did not want to inturde. You are in my prayers always. A. Joyce

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