Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Gettin' Outside!

With the weather getting nice we were able to take our first walk, all three kiddos, me, and Barkley! We looked like a mini parade with two kids in a wagon, one in a stroller, and a dog on a leash! We even had people waving at us, and the mail lady kept driving by us and honking. What a site!!!! At one point Madison thought she had to get out and help me pull Kaiden.
If Kealy could talk she'd say, "Boy my Mom sure is crazy!!!"
After our walk we got the chalk out, Madison loves to play hopscotch.
Yesterday it rained some, and Madie just loves the rain too! Especially with this adorable pink umbrella and rain coat!!!
Meanwhile, Kaiden manages the pile of dirt in the front yard. He truly is 110% boy!!!

1 comment :

Linville Life said...

Okay, I'm pretty sure you're supermom, because I can barely manage a stroller OR a wagon with one child and the dog. How on earth did you pull, push and wrangle the dog all at the same time!?! That takes talent! Maybe I need a dog that responds better to a leash...or a child who will stay in the buckles... ;)

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