Singing Dunes

Singing Dunes

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

6 years of wedded bliss!!!

This past Friday Eric and I celebrated our 6th year of marriage! It truly seems just like yesterday that we were married and off to Hawaii! What I wouldn't give to be back there! It's amazing how much our life has changed...bought a home in Lee's Summit and now have 3 beautiful children. I wouldn't change a thing. We were lucky enough to have a night out to ourselves. BIG thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Bahr for babysitting for us. We had a delicious dinner at Boudreaux's in downtown St. Joe and then headed for a spirited game of putt putt at Cool Crest. I say spirited....that is....until someone started losing..... And the winner is........
That's right, I WON!!! Let me say it one more time, I WON!!!! It doesn't happen too often, so I will treasure it for a while. Let's just say I won by 4 strokes and Eric wasn't too happy!
2nd place is the 1st loser! Hahaha!!! None-the-less we had a great evening. I feel so tremendously blessed to have such an amazing man in my life. I love you Boo!

1 comment :

Unknown said...

I live by the Ricky Bobby credo - "if you aint first, your last". It was nice to have an evening to ourselves.

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